Friday, August 8, 2008

How to drop 16 pounds before the closing ceremonies!

And they’re off!

The Olympics in Beijing are officially underway. And when most in this country are sitting lazily by the pool, or away on vacation enjoying barbecues and fatty foods, the best of the best, of the best are out there giving it their all an the worlds stage.

Many people tell me they’ll get started in September. After all, the summer is almost over, so why bother trying to get in shape now?

But what if you could lose up to 16 pounds or more by the closing ceremonies?

Your friends and co-workers will probably have gained a few pounds, and they’ll be even FURTHER away from their goals in September. Imagine how nice it will be to look even better, especially when the September weather is beautiful and you are out in your sleeveless tees and shorts.

But then the excuses start…

I hear excuses after excuses about why it’s too difficult to work out in the summer. How many of these have you used?

It’s too hot!

Actually, with the extra heat you will burn more calories, lose more weight, and melt off more fat.

I don’t have time!

There is one thing in this world that everyone has equally, and that’s time. Many of the busiest world leaders find time to work out every single day and they run entire countries. If it’s important, MAKE TIME! Besides, you have no excuses because the Go Sleeveless workouts take LESS THAN 40 minutes – and many people are even done in less than 20!! Everyone can squeeze out an extra 20 to 40 minutes a day, period.

My kids are home from school, I just can’t get leave them and go workout.

Workout at home! Many of my Go Sleeveless clients do their workout in the living room while their kids watch a movie. You don’t need any elaborate exercise equipment. Just a couple of little things that will slide under the couch when not in use. The great thing about working out when your kids are at home are that many children will even join in with their mom. What better way to set a healthy example when over half of our children are now heading towards obesity!

I don’t know what to do!

This is usually the only valid excuse, but with the detailed exercise descriptions, programs, and step-by-step instruction in Go Sleeveless, any 12 year old could do it. To make it even better, I’m offering a free email consultation with the program. That is a $150 value for free. No guesswork for you.

I don’t feel very good. When my health improves, I’ll start exercising.

As a nation, we are heading towards a medical crisis. People are living longer, but not healthier. Doctors everywhere are pleading with their patients to start exercising and eating right, and to take responsibility for their own health. Nobody wants to be at the mercy of the drug companies. If you are at all able, start exercising now, and watch your health start to improve on a weekly, if not daily basis.

So what are you waiting for?

Turn off the computer, and pick up those dumbbells! If you need some inspiration, turn on your local Olympic coverage and work out in front of the TV if you like.

You can make excuses all day for why you can’t, but if you really want toned and sexy arms, and you want to lose some serious weight while the rest of the country is ‘bulking up’ then make the choice now.

Helping you achieve sexy and tones arms,